ESOP XVIII Homepage |
Änderung: 17.12.1999 |
Thursday, August 5, 1999 / Donnerstag, 5. August
10:00 - 18:00 Registration desk is opened in the Planetarium Stuttgart,
foyer of the Kepler hall.
10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr Tagungsbüro im Foyer des Keplersaals (Planetarium
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19:00 Welcome barbecue; balcony, Public Observatory Stuttgart,
Ab 19:00 Uhr Begrüßungsgrillfest auf der Terrasse der Sternwarte
Stuttgart (Volkssternwarte) auf der Uhlandshöhe.
Friday, August 6, 1999 / Freitag, 6. August
Symposium, Session I (Planetarium, Kepler
09:30 bis 11:30 Uhr Begrüßungs- und
Eröffnungsvorträge, Symposium im Keplersaal des Planetariums
09:30 Welcome and Opening Papers
(Prof. Dr. H.-U. Keller,
Marcus Arzt,
H.-J. Bode)
10:00 The Observation of Grazing Occultation
of Aldebaran on November 15, 1997 (C. Costa)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Microprocessor Devices for Timing
Astronomical Events (A. Wrembel)
11:15 The Ability of the Moon Ash Light
Observation During the Total Phase of Solar Eclipse (N. Kulakova)
Mayor's reception; City of Stuttgart, Town
12:00 Uhr
Empfang im Rathaus durch
die Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
Symposium Session II (Planetarium, Kepler hall)
14:00 bis 18:00 Uhr Symposium im Keplersaal des Planetariums
14:00 Simple Experiments for Students
During a Total Solar Eclipse (James R. Huddle)
14:30 Using Ray Tracing to Determine the
Structure of Planetary Atmospheres: The Planetary Atmosphere by Occultation
Numerical Analysis Program (PLATONA) (W. Beisker)
15:00 »Graze View«: Improving
Grazing Occultation Profile Predictions (E. Riedel)
15:15 Astrometry With a New High Dynamic
Imaging Device: Technical Properties and First Results (L. Winter)
15:30 Refined Algorithm for the Identification
in Star Catalogs (W. Zimmermann)
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Big Historical Solar Eclipses in
Central Europe (A. Wrembel)
17:00 On Photoelectric Observations of
Occultations of Stars by the Moon and by Asteroids With a New Portable Photometer
(Eugene M. Trunkovsky)
17:30 Simple Provisional Evaluation of
Observation of Regulus Grazing Occultation on 24th April 1999 (W.
17:45 About the Asteroidal Occultation
Predictions by IOTA/ES (M. Kretlow)
19:00 Visit of the Television Tower Stuttgart, tour of technical
19:00 Uhr Besuch des Fernsehturms mit technischer Führung
Please remember to bring your personal 3 day public transport ticket!
20:00 Warm buffet supper in Laki's popular restaurant
20:00 Uhr Warmes Büfe, im Laki's Restaurant
09:45 New IOTA Occultation Videotape
Observations (D. Dunham)
10:15 Astronomical Computing: Programming
Standards - What for? (H.-J. Bode)
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Portuguese Occultations in the "Joaquim
Garcia's era" (R. Goncalves)
11:20 The Occultation Video Revolution
- Opportunities for Amateur-Professional Partnership in Education and Public
Outreach (D. Dunham)
11:40 St-Veran Observatory - an Astronomical
Station for Amateurs (J. Bourgeois)
12:05 Group photo in front of the entrance
of the Planetarium
12:05 Gruppenfoto vor dem
12:15 Short lunch; Planetarium
12:15 Uhr Einfache Verpflegung (Imbiß) im Planetarium
Symposium Session IV (Planetarium, Kepler hall)
13:30 bis 17:00 Uhr Symposium im Keplersaal des Planetariums
13:00 Experiences with Timekeeping (A.
13:15 Stellar Occultations by Kuiper Belt
Comets: The Taiwan-America Occultation Survey (TAOS) (C. Lemme)
13:45 Strategy of the Taiwan-America
Occultation Survey (TAOS) (W. P. Chen)
14:15 The Promise and Limitations of Hipparcos
Astrometry for Observations of Asteroidal Occultations (D. Dunham)
14:45 Recent European Asteroid Occultation
Results (J. Manek)
15:15 Coffee break
15:45 The Lunar Occultation Workbench
(LOW) Software - The World Standard (E. Limburg)
The Observation of the Asteroidal Occultation
of 39 Laetitia on March 21, 1998 (C. Frisoni)
16:45 Minor
Planet's Approaches to Stars: CCD Observations (R. Casas)
17:00 Bus transfer from Planetarium to Weil der Stadt (30 km from Stuttgart,
*Johannes Kepler), visit of the Kepler museum and of the mediaeval town centre
and town wall, reception by the mayor of Weil-der-Stadt in the town-hall
17:00 Busfahrt ab Planetarium nach Weil der Stadt (Keplers Geburtsstadt,
ca. 30 km von Stuttgart entfernt), Besichtigung des Kepler-Museums sowie
des mittelalterlichen Stadtkerns mit Stadtmauer von Weil der Stadt
19:30 Symposium dinner; Weil der Stadt, Hotel Krone Post
19:30 Uhr Festbankett im Hotel Krone Post, Weil der Stadt
22:30 Bus transfer to the hotel, Stuttgart-Vaihingen and Planetarium
23:30 Arrival in Stuttgart
23:00 Uhr Rückkehr zum Hotel in Stuttgart-Vaihingen, ca. 23:30 Uhr
Sunday, August 8, 1999 / Sonntag, 8. August
Symposium Session V (Planetarium, Kepler hall)
09:30 bis 12:00 Uhr Symposium im Keplersaal des Planetariums
09:30 The Occultation Section of the Royal
Astronomical Society of New Zealand (Peter E. Anderson)
09:50 Observing the August 11th Solar
Eclipse near the Edges of the Path of Totality (D. Dunham)
10:10 The Next Total Solar Eclipses 21
June 2001 and 4 December 2002 (Peter E. Anderson)
10:20 Coffee break
10:40 On a Project of Interferometric
Investigation of Zodiacal Particles During Total Solar Eclipse. Invitation
to Russian-German Co-operation. (Eugene M. Trunkovsky)
10:55 Some Considerations on Organizing
a Possible ESOP, or Good Workshop in the Framework of the IOTA/ES, in Moscow,
Russia (Eugene M. Trunkovsky)
11:00 Weather forecast for the solar eclipse
on August 11, 1999 (K. Sturm)
11:30 Say goodbye to the participants, invitation to ESOP XIX in Lodz/Poland
(H.-J. Bode, A. Wrembel)
12:00 - 13:30 Short lunch; Planetarium. End of the Symposium.
12:00 bis 13:30 Uhr Einfache Verpflegung (Imbiß) im Planetarium,
Ende des Symposiums.
End of scientific sessions.
(c) 1998-2000
Sternwarte e.V. Stuttgart - All rights reserved
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